⛔ Don’t spend another $ on Google

Running PMax or Shopping campaigns on Google? Do this ASAP.

Estimated read time: 3 min, 31 sec

In this week’s letter 📨:

  • 🖐 5 things that are working in 2024

  • ​​🆚 Using Meta’s overlays in your DPAs? You can do more.

  • Running Google shopping or PMax campaigns? Do this now.

  • ​​​​☕ #FeaturedAd - Clevr Blends

  • 🏃‍♀️ #BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Popflex

  • 🆕 New @Socioh

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What’s Working in 2024 — 5 Things You Need To Test For Your Brand.

Want to know what’s working in media buying right now?

Here’s a great January roundup by @MikeLukashewich that’s in line with what we’re seeing with our accounts.

⚠️Spoiler alert: IG Reels are crushing it!⚠️

BONUS: While we highly recommend testing static ads, another format doing consistently well is the Intro card + Carousel format. It combines the advantages of both ad types, and offers a more curated experience for your shoppers.

Customizing Your DPAs: Meta’s Frames Vs Branded Catalogs

Heard about Meta’s built-in overlays for your catalog ads?

These creative tools allow advertisers to add stickers and frames on to their product catalogs. You can also add dynamic information like sales or slashed prices, product names, and more.

However, they offer zero freedom as to the choice and fitting of your images, placement of design elements, or control over how the elements may apply to individual products.

Not only can this be extremely frustrating, it can cost you conversions. 

With Meta ads getting more competitive, and the catalog ad unit becoming one of the most important ad formats for advertisers, you need a tool that offers you more control. 

Enter Socioh’s Branded Catalogs.

Interested in seeing how Socioh can help you enhance your catalog ads? Sign up for a no-obligation demo.

Stop Wasting Your Google Ad Spend. Do This Now.

Are you running Google Shopping or PMax ad campaigns? 

Do yourself a favor and optimize your feed before you spend another cent.

Here’s a short list of inputs you should be optimizing so Google can find the right customers for your brand.

Thank you, @MaxLanglois3!

ICYMI: Your Google Product Category information is crucial for the performance of your DABA/DPA ads on Meta too. Learn more about 3 mistakes to avoid when setting up your catalog ads on Meta.

Brand: Clevr Blends
Category: Food & Beverage
Format: Static Image (Feed & Story)


A more versatile version of the ‘New Year, New Me’ ad format, this ad by Clevr Blends is truly clever. 

Let’s see how Clevr Blends uses human psychology to great effect.

Who wouldn’t stop scrolling to look at an indulgent bowl of ice cream? 

And once that ice cream sundae has your attention, the ad makes its point — what if you could substitute your ice cream craving with a healthier sleep-time latte? 

But here’s another thing the ad does. It doesn’t present the latte as a replacement for a bowl of ice cream (I know I won’t be picking a health drink over ice cream!) but as a healthier habit that will help you kick your nighttime sugar cravings.

Now that’s a very relatable problem — and a solution that at 25% off, I’m curious enough to want to know more about!

Want more ideas? See this ad and 1000s of others in Socioh’s ad library.

#BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Popflex

Brand: Popflex
Category: Athleisure
Template type: Social proof with brand USPs


  • The brand’s lifestyle images and customized icons in pastel stand out in shoppers’ feeds.

  • Customer reviews are automatically mapped for each product, highlighting social proof.

  • The logo is added to improve brand recall.

Add rotating value props and product reviews to your dynamic ads. Learn more about Socioh’s Branded Catalogs here.

What’s New @Socioh

New ads this week — Vegamour, Health-Ade, One Ocean Beauty, and more. Find these ads and tons of inspiration in Socioh’s ad library.

P.S. We update our library with new ads every week

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