✂️ Don’t spend more on mobile

Run this test if you’re selling high-ticket items on Google.

Estimated read time: 3 min, 27 sec

In this week’s letter 📨:

  • ✂️ Selling high-ticket items? Run this test on Google Ads.

  • 🛠️ Low CTR? Here’s how you can fix your ads.

  • 🤝 Do this if your customers aren’t buying from you.

  • ​​​​🥯 #FeaturedAd - BetterBrand

  • 💅 #BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop

  • 🆕 New @Socioh

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Selling High-Ticket Items on Google? Slash Your Mobile Traffic Now.

Running ads on Google?

If you’re selling high-ticket items, most of the purchases are likely coming from desktops.

While you still need to spend on mobile traffic for brand searchability and recall, test cutting your spend on mobile traffic by 60-70%. 

Yes, you read that right!

Hear it from @andrebreih

DON’T MISS: Set up your account for Enhanced Conversions yet? Don’t wait until the last minute like with GA4! Improve the accuracy of your conversion tracking by sending first-party data directly to Google Ads.

Learn more here.

ICYMI: Meta’s delivery woes continue. If you’re seeing high spending and not enough sales on Meta, you’re not alone. Speak to your Meta rep and lower your budgets.

Struggling With Low CTR? Here’s How To Fix It.

Is your CTR (click-through rate) too low? 

What is a good benchmark for CTR anyway? 

The truth is that your ads’ CTR will vary by niche and audience. 

While there’s no objective standard for how much your CTR should be, you can use this quick guide by @IstvanicMarin to diagnose and fix it: 

It all comes down to testing creatives that are relevant to your customers! 

BONUS: Why stop at testing static and video ads? With Socioh’s Branded Catalogs, you can A/B test the creatives in your catalog ads too. Learn how you can increase the CTR of your dynamic ads.

Are Your Customers Not Buying From You? Here’s Why.

You’ve got a great product? 

Fantastic offers? An optimized website?

Testing creatives regularly and your existing customers love you?

So why are new shoppers not buying from you? 

It all comes down to TRUST. 

Here’s how you can get people to trust you:

Thanks @tonydoesads for this timely reminder — to include social proof. 

Brand: BetterBrand
Category: Food & Beverage
Format: Video (Story & Feed)


What could be better than a bagel for breakfast?

A bagel with only 5g of carbs and 26g of protein!

This ad by BetterBrand has all the right ingredients for success:

  • An eye-catching ‘food prep’ video

  • Great hook

  • Better copy 

Only 16 seconds long, the video does a great job of introducing shoppers to the product’s USPs.

The true genius though? The ad doesn't just list the ingredients, it makes them speak to a wide(r) audience. While 5g of carbs is quite impressive, it’s when the ad tells you that’s equivalent to just two slices of banana that it blows your mind.

Same for 26g protein. May not seem impressive enough until you’re told that’s the amount of protein in 4 eggs.

Finally, the caption and headline reinforce how truly guilt-free this bagel is. We love our carbs, but we’d be lying if we said that with “90% less carbs, and 250% more protein” this bagel didn’t make us stop and drool. 🤤

Want more ideas? See this ad and 1000s of others in Socioh’s ad library.

#BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop

Brand: Pernia’s Pop-Up shop
Category: Apparel
Template type: Collection-based template with lifestyle images


  • The use of lifestyle images and bright, jewel-colored overlays emphasize the store’s high-end collection and stand out in shoppers’ feeds.

  • Collection-based templates highlight different category-based discounts, with an alternate template (displaying a coupon code) for non-discounted products.

  • Designers’ names are mapped so shoppers can see the list of brands stocked.

Use rule-based mapping to highlight category-specific information. Learn more about Socioh’s Branded Catalogs here.

New Ads @Socioh

New ads this week — Material, Cuts, Chubbies, and more. Find these ads and tons of inspiration in Socioh’s ad library.

P.S. We update our library with new ads every week

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