🔍 Is your search bar HURTING your business?

+ META NEWS: Check your ads

Estimated read time: 3 min, 19 sec

In this week’s letter 📨:

  • ​​​​​​​​📢 ATTN: Website+Shop placements on Meta

  • DON’T hide your search bar

  • Track these 6 metrics for retention success

  • #BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Ralph Christian Watches 

  • 🍄 #FeaturedAd - Back to the Roots

  • 🆕 New Ads @Socioh

I’ll be catching up on my reading (send me your recos) between leisurely swims and endless Aperol spritzes so there won’t be a newsletter in your inbox next week. See you at the end of the month!

P.S. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with other friends in D2C.

UPDATE: Testing Website/Shop Placements? Check Your Account

Have you been split-testing Website/Shop placements?

Check your account now!

Their latest update selects a combined placement by default:

(Thanks to @herrmanndigital for bringing this to our attention!) 

While this may have been done for ease of use, it does mean that if you were testing placements, you’ll have to update your campaigns. 

Thanks for the notice, Meta (NOT!) 🙄

P.S. Don’t want ad traffic to your Shop? Use Traffic settings and set the cap for traffic to your shop to zero.

Customers Leaving Your Website? Make Your Search Bar Sticky

Want a CRO hack that really works? 

Make your search bar prominent — and sticky!

Even on product display pages. 

It’s the highest revenue-per-click element on any page.

Don’t believe us? Hear it from @DylanAnder

PSA: That discreet, barely there search bar is hurting you. 

6 Email Marketing Metrics You NEED To Track

So you’ve got a retention strategy that includes email? 


But how should you track your success?

Here are 6 metrics you need to track according to @yojimmykim

Our takeaway? Segmenting (and purging) your audiences is key to reducing wasted Email/SMS spend!

Brand: Back to the Roots
Category: Kids/Educational
Format: Video Ad (Feed & Story)


Moms are tired. 

And just like the rest of us, they don’t want to look at ads in their free time. 

But they are also at their wits’ end looking for educational gifts their child will like. 

This ad by Back to the Roots works because it understands this and markets to them using a video that:
1. Has a funny and relatable caption that speaks to a real pain point (getting children a ‘learning’ gift/getting them to eat their veggies) + lots of great reviews.
2. Has a thumbnail/intro that does not look like an ad.
3. Uses the UGC template, but remains completely relatable through its choice of ‘actor’ and minimal editing.

What we think: Perhaps it’s the simplicity of it. Or the satisfaction of watching growing things, but we couldn’t peel our eyes away from the video. Once we started watching, we had to see the final result!

P.S. Let no one tell you you can’t make long videos ever again.

Want more ideas? See this ad and 1000s of others in Socioh’s ad library.

#BrandedCatalog Spotlight - Ralph Christian Watches

Brand: Ralph Christian Watches
Category: Acessories
Template type:  Multi-image template


  • The template uses an attractive, eye-catching design by showcasing multiple images.

  • Lifestyle images help shoppers envision wearing the product while close-up shots showcase important details.

  • The addition of the logo helps improve brand recall.

Use lifestyle images in your dynamic ads. Learn how to showcase alternate images to your catalog ads using Socioh’s Branded Catalogs.

New Ads @Socioh

New ads this week — Original Grain, Luca + Danni, Holden Rings, and more. Find these ads and tons of inspiration in Socioh’s ad library.

P.S. We update our library with new ads every week.

Socioh is the industry leader in Dynamic Ad creatives for Meta.
Our design and automation tools are used by leading ad agencies & eCommerce brands to create highly targeted catalog ads that encourage conversion. Sign up for a no-obligation demo.

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